
What Makes a Smile Beautiful?

A beautiful smile is often characterized by straight, white teeth that are evenly spaced and aligned. However, there are other factors that can contribute to the overall attractiveness of a smile.

Symmetry is an important factor in determining the beauty of a smile. When the teeth are evenly spaced and aligned, the smile appears balanced and pleasing to the eye. Asymmetry, on the other hand, can distract from the overall attractiveness of a smile.

Tooth color is also an important factor in the beauty of a smile. White teeth are generally perceived as being more attractive than yellow or stained teeth. However, it is important to keep in mind that tooth color is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, and oral hygiene habits.

The shape and size of the teeth can also contribute to the overall beauty of a smile. Teeth that are too small or too large can distract from the overall appearance of the smile. Teeth that are well-proportioned to the size of the mouth and face are often considered to be the most attractive.

Gum health is another important factor in the beauty of a smile. Gums that are pink and healthy looking contribute to the overall attractiveness of the teeth. Gums that are red, swollen, or receding can detract from the beauty of the smile.

In addition to these physical characteristics, a person’s smile can be enhanced by their overall facial appearance, including the shape and structure of their face and the presence of other attractive facial features. Confidence and a positive attitude can also add to the beauty of a smile.

Overall, a beautiful smile is one that is symmetrical, white, well-proportioned, and healthy looking, and is enhanced by the overall facial appearance and demeanor of the person smiling.


Award-winning Director Pancho Maniquis Tells Us What Wearing Invisible Braces Really Feels Like

Hi! I’m Pancho, and I’ve had ALINA Invisible Braces for just a little over a month now.

I had traditional metal braces as a teenager, but improper retainer use led to my teeth being worse off than before. As an adult, I became very conscious of my teeth and wouldn’t smile in photos, or even cover my mouth when I’d laugh. I was always interested in the possibility of clear aligners, because I didn’t want to look like a kid in some coming-of-age makeover romcom, but thought it would be too much of a chore due to my busy schedule – until I found ALINA Invisible Braces which promised a hassle-free process, delivering each new tray to my doorstep. 

ALINA Invisible Braces uses the latest in digital scanning, 3D printing and their AI powered ALINASmile Technology which analyzes thousands of the best smiles in the world to design a beautiful smile that uniquely fits a person’s facial features. Their aligners are also made from what they call their ultracomfort material which help them create the most comfortable and wearable invisible braces in the market today. The cost depends on whether your case is mild or complex. And sadly, I fall under the latter.

So, long story short, I got scanned at one of their partner dentists, and after two weeks I was called back in for my attachments and the rest is history.

Yes, I said attachments. One of the things that made me want ALINA Invisible Braces in the first place, is the fact that their aligners are clear, and are less noticeable – hence the “invisible” part. What I didn’t realize was that depending on your treatment plan and type of case, you’ll need to have attachments placed on a few of your teeth to help them adjust. They’re quite similar to the brackets used for metal braces, and due to my case being a complex one, my attachments are on some pretty visible areas, though my dentist did her best to match them to the actual color of my teeth, and under the right lighting, it still pretty much looks like there’s nothing there.

Now on to my ALINA Invisible Braces.

I’ll never forget the first couple of days wearing my first set of ALINA Invisible Braces. Everything in my mouth felt so tight! Putting my invisible braces on was a struggle, taking them off took forever, and I could feel a bit of pressure whenever I tried chewing. I remember thinking to myself “This isn’t what I signed up for!”. But lo and behold, two days later, and it started to feel like I was wearing nothing at all. Putting them on came with a very satisfying “click”, taking them off took literally less than a second, and I was back to eating like I used to again.

The minor discomfort is due to the invisible braces gradually shifting my teeth into their proper position. I would have actually known this, had I not been overeager, and had been listening when they presented my case to me. Obviously, my teeth shifting around inside my mouth, albeit gradually, would at times hurt. But thankfully, this all eases up as the weeks progress.

Talking while wearing my ALINA Invisible Braces also took some getting used to as well. Another thing I noticed was that I had a bit of a lisp at first. Although it wasn’t too much of a speed bump, because as my friends and colleagues can confirm, I’m back to talking up a storm.

It’s recommended that you wear your ALINA Invisible Braces 22 hours a day. I know it sounds like a whole lot, but you don’t even notice they’re on once you get the hang of it. This does mean that if you aren’t eating or drinking colored, warm, or hot liquids, you should have them on pretty much at all times. This was admittedly tough for me to get past because I typically have three to four cups of coffee in a day. I in turn stressed a lot about having my aligners out for too long in a day. But my dentist assured me it was fine, and it just meant I’d have to do my treatment for a little longer. 

I also have to say that I’ve become more responsible when it comes to dental hygiene. Cleaning your teeth before putting your ALINA Invisible Braces back in is a must, otherwise you risk getting stuff caught in your teeth and aligners. Now I carry around a handy travel toothbrush, or in scenarios where I simply can’t, I have a tiny bottle of mouthwash handy. And if you don’t floss already, it’ll definitely be your new best friend! You also need to clean your aligners to make sure nothing gets caught in them, but this is fairly simple to do.

Now on my second tray, things do feel a bit tight again. The level of discomfort, I’m guessing, depends on how much movement is happening. I do have to say though, it still doesn’t compare to the pain and discomfort of the metal braces I had back in the day. 

Is it an actual inconvenience? Frankly, no. Do I want it over and done with? Most definitely. Have I seen much of an improvement in just a month? Honestly, yes! With all the little surprises I encountered along the way, I can still definitely say that I made the right choice by uncovering my smile with ALINA Invisible Braces.


Everything you need to know about teeth aligners vs braces

As the field of dentistry changes and advances, those who are looking to have orthodontic treatment may find traditional braces unappealing. In fact, many adults put off getting proper teeth alignment because they think these are just for kids. For these people, teeth aligners are the clear, definitive choice. 

Teeth alignment treatments don’t have to be treated simply as an adolescent rite of passage. With clear aligners made available, you’re never too old to benefit from a teeth alignment procedure. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists reported that one in five orthodontic patients is an adult.

To help you make a more informed decision on what to choose between aligners vs. braces, here are some things you need to know.

What are teeth aligners?

Teeth aligners, like those of ALINA, utilize custom-made transparent trays that straighten the teeth in small increments. Unlike traditional braces, ALINA Aligners don’t make use of metal brackets and wires. Aligners look like mouth guards but serve the purpose of traditional braces.

Aligner treatment typically takes between 12 and 18 months, depending  on the condition of your teeth. 

Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your ALINA aligners and put them back in whenever you like. Just make sure you wear them for at least 22 hours a day to get the best outcome possible. When you’re not wearing them, store your ALINA aligners in the provided case to keep them clean and prevent them from being misplaced. 


The pros of getting aligners

Teeth aligners are dental devices, designed to treat or correct crooked and misaligned teeth. Here are some signs telling you that you might need aligners or braces: 

  • Not as noticeable – ALINA aligners are more subtle to wear because they’re made of transparent plastic material. When you’re out and about, your colleagues or friends won’t even notice you’re wearing them, especially from afar. 

  • More comfortable – Many patients who have had orthodontic treatments such as braces during their younger years have reported that ALINA Aligner trays are more comfortable to wear. While you might still encounter some discomfort, this only occurs in the first few days. In the absence of metal brackets and wires, there’s also a reduced probability of developing canker sores or tiny lesions in your mouth. 

  • Easy to wash – ALINA aligners are much easier to wash than traditional braces. All you have to do is clean and brush your aligners before and after wearing them to keep them in great condition.

  • Makes brushing and flossing easy – You don’t need any special dental equipment to brush and floss your teeth. Simply remove your clear aligners at any time to practice good oral hygiene.

  • Almost no food restrictions With ALINA Aligner, you can eat your favorite foods, including hard, chewy, or sticky ones. Just take your aligners out first before eating to avoid damaging them. However, try not to drink hot drinks while wearing your teeth aligners, as the heat may damage them. Finally, note that liquids seep into aligners easily, and may cause tooth decay or staining if the drinks are highly acidic or sugary.

  • Fewer visits to the dentist – With ALINA, you’ll receive your fresh set of aligners in the comfort of your home. Expert smile designers will be in touch with you, monitor the progress of your treatment, and give you a fresh set of trays every month until your desired smile is achieved. No more manual tightening necessary!


What are traditional braces?

Traditional braces have been the standard orthodontic treatment for quite some time. They are composed of ceramic or metal wires which are attached to every tooth with the use of brackets. 

There are several kinds of traditional braces in the market. Some of these are Damon braces, which don’t require O-rings, the small plastic elastic bands; lingual braces where wires and brackets sit on the inner part of the teeth; and the ceramic ones that use thin wires to connect the brackets.

The Hassles of traditional braces

Traditional braces are known for their reliability. As a result, they’ve been around for many years now. Unfortunately, they come with a number of drawbacks as well.

  • Metal causes mouth sores and wounds – Wearers of metal braces often complain of even the slightest contact causing wounds in the interior of the mouth. These are distracting and prevent wearers from eating, drinking, and even talking comfortably. 
  • Results can be inconsistent – Because braces need to be adjusted manually, the quality of the results tend to vary. The guesswork that comes from manual tightening and unexpected behavior of the teeth may wind up causing more difficulties in the end.
  • Cleaning is a huge headache – Braces create even more nooks and crannies in the mouth, allowing food to collect in between wires and underneath brackets. While these can be cleaned, users typically have to resort to specialized tools to get at the harder to reach areas.
  • Creates a smile ruined by wires or metal – This might be the biggest drawback to having traditional braces installed. All those metal brackets and wires are definitely a distraction from the wearer’s most beautiful smile!

The key takeaway

With ALINA Aligners, you can have your teeth straightened while looking great too. In just a short period, you’ll have your desired smile that creates a better bite and decreases the risk of future dental issues. Our trained and skilled dental experts will make sure you receive the highest quality dental care you require.

Should you still have any concerns about aligner vs braces, write us an email at ALINA so our team will be able to assist you in making an informed decision!


What Are The Different Types Of Aligners?

Do you feel conscious about your crooked teeth? Still can’t smile on your selfies? There’s no need to worry! Thanks to technological advancements and the unending efforts of our dental experts, we can now help you brighten your beautiful smile using clear teeth aligners.  

In today’s blog post, we will discuss some of the best popular teeth alignment options or different types of aligners that can help achieve your desired results. 


Who needs teeth aligners or dental braces?

Teeth aligners are dental devices, designed to treat or correct crooked and misaligned teeth. Here are some signs telling you that you might need aligners or braces: 

  • When you have visibly crooked or crowded teeth
  • When you experience difficulty or discomfort when brushing or flossing around crooked teeth
  • When your teeth don’t close properly while your mouth is at rest
  • When you experience pain or discomfort when eating or chewing food 
  • When you have visible gaps in your teeth 
  • When you experience difficulties pronouncing certain sounds because of your tongue’s position under your teeth. 
  • When your jaw clicks or makes noises when eating or chewing food 
  • When you want to get better confidence with a beautiful smile

Types of aligners

There are various types of dental aligners that can treat dental issues and improve overall oral health. At ALINA, our team of experts will carefully assess your condition and desired results to design your perfect teeth alignment treatment. 

Check out some of the most popular types of aligners available today:


Traditional or metal braces

Average Cost: Around 30,000 to ₱50,000

Up until today, many dental clinics still offer metal braces to patients dealing with misaligned or crooked teeth. These braces are made of metal wirings and trays, attached to the teeth for a period of time. It works by putting constant pressure on the teeth and jaw to correct their alignment and improve the smile. 


  • Affordability. Traditional braces are the cheapest dental aligners available today.  
  • Traditional braces can be effective in treating more complicated orthodontic cases


  • Traditional braces can be unsightly and uncomfortable with metal wirings and trays, attached to your teeth. 
  • Performing dental hygiene can be more challenging with traditional or metal braces. 
  • Traditional braces are more prone to damage and injuries since you cannot remove them while performing physical activities or playing contact sports. 
  • There will be more food restrictions when you have metal braces.
  • Having metal braces requires more dental visits as the dentist needs to make adjustments with wires and trays. 


Ceramic braces

Average Cost: Around 100,000

Ceramic braces is like traditional braces. They also have the same mechanics for adjusting misaligned and crooked teeth. The only difference between the two is the materials used to construct them. As the name implies, these braces are made of ceramic materials. 


  • They look more visually appealing compared to traditional braces. Ceramic materials used in these braces can blend into the natural color of the teeth. 


Ceramic braces and traditional braces share almost the same disadvantages since they are both fixed to your teeth. In addition, they are also more expensive than traditional or metal braces. 


Lingual braces

Average cost: Around 80,000 or higher

Like traditional braces, lingual braces are also made of metal. However, they are attached to the inside of the teeth, which makes them less noticeable. 


  • They are less noticeable than ceramic and traditional braces. 
  • They are cheaper than ceramic braces 


They are less effective than traditional and ceramic braces, so expect a longer treatment duration before achieving desired results. 


Clear teeth aligners

Average cost: ₱180,000 to 250,000

Clear teeth aligners or invisible braces are getting more and more popular these days. Despite the price, many people are leaning towards this option because of the comfort and aesthetic factor it offers. 

These aligners are made of custom-fit clear trays. They are also removable for safety and convenience. Dentists or orthodontists require patients to wear clear aligners for at least 22 hours every day. 


  • Clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them the most desirable option in terms of aesthetic factors. 
  • They are effective in correcting crowded, crooked or misaligned teeth. 
  • They are considered the safest and most comfortable option as they are custom-fit and removable. 
  • There are no food restrictions with clear aligners as you can simply remove them when eating or drinking. 
  • You are less prone to chronic conditions and injuries with clear aligners. 
  • Performing oral hygiene is a lot easier since you can remove your aligners when brushing or flossing your teeth. 
  • Having invisible braces only requires minimal dental visits. At ALINA, they can deliver your set of new aligners right to your doorstep.

Reminder: Don’t forget to ask your dentist or orthodontist if clear aligners are a possible treatment for you! 


Start your ALINA journey today!

Are you ready for the perfect teeth alignment? Something that doesn’t require you to change the way you eat or how you smile when you talk to your friends or when taking a selfie?

We truly understand all the hassle of having those unsightly metal wires attached to your teeth! That’s why we keep pushing the boundaries of aesthetics and cosmetic dentistry to give you the smile you deserve! 

With ALINA Aligners, you can still look beautiful and have the same confidence while getting that winning bright smile! 

Book a consult to start your ALINA journey today! 


Which Is Cheaper: Braces Or Aligners?

There is no single right path to orthodontic treatment or between braces or aligners,  but the way to start your journey right is knowing the benefits and cost of teeth aligners, metal braces, and other procedures. 

Once you have done your research, the American Association of Orthodontists recommend getting an accurate diagnosis from a well-trained dental professional. Thanks to cutting-edge technological advances, you can now have your diagnosis by visiting your trusted clinic or from the comforts of your home. 

Keep in mind that one appliance is not essentially better than another. Your teeth alignment journey will be based on the condition of your oral health, budget, goals, and lifestyle needs. 

Now, let us examine the differences between metal braces and teeth aligners in terms of price, benefits, and disadvantages.

Cost of metal braces is usually lower than modern ones

Knowing how many metal braces cost in the Philippines may be at the top of your mind. Depending on the severity of your misaligned teeth, traditional metal braces range from Php 30,000 to Php 90,000. 

If you are considering this type of orthodontic treatment, you have to be ready to visit your orthodontist or dentist every four to six weeks. Regular dental visits are important as the metal wires and brackets are needed to be tightened to realign your teeth slowly into place, a report from Medical News Today read

The length of treatment is usually between 18 and 24 months, depending on how complicated the problem is, according to the National Health Service.


Removability is not an option with metal braces

Teeth with braces

Linked by a wire, metal braces consist of small brackets fixed to your teeth to properly align teeth by applying pressure. This means you cannot remove traditional braces yourself, as you will have to wear them during your entire treatment and let your dentist remove them after the treatment.

With metal braces, consuming certain food and drinks is not advisable. Sticky, chewy, and hard foods and colored drinks may stain or break brackets and wires. 

Daily oral hygiene is also more challenging with metal braces than aligners. You will have to follow your dentist’s requirements when it comes to brushing and flossing with metal braces to avoid tooth decay and plaque.


Variety of colors is abundant with metal braces

Some younger teenagers prefer the aesthetics of metal braces as they can style these with their favorite colored rubber bands. This may be fun for younger teenagers but if you are at a later age, having a mouth full of metal might raise unwanted or awkward attention especially during special occasions. 

The good news is that braces have evolved over the years. Teeth aligners are the preferred option for most older teenagers and adult patients looking to straighten their teeth. This is especially true for those who might be a self-conscious about wearing traditional braces. 


Cost of teeth aligners comes with great results

Teeth aligners cost usually higher than metal braces, as the former may cost Php 180,000 and above depending on the severity of teeth misalignment. But with a relatively higher price comes great results, better appearance, and efficiency. 

Aligners, also known as invisible braces, are made of clear and removable plastic material that allows your teeth to move in tiny increments until the desired outcome is achieved. 

Gone are the days when you have to wait for years to achieve your desired smile. The US Food and Drug Administration even said aligners require a shorter treatment period than metal braces, cutting it by an average of 12 months. 

Invisibility, removability, and comfort with aligners

Teeth Aligners Philippines
If you are one of those who have shelved plans of getting your teeth properly aligned to avoid having a brace face look, clear aligners are the most suitable alternative for you.  The main reason why millions of patients are choosing aligners is because they are removable, virtually invisible, and discreet. There are no food nor drink restrictions with clear aligners, as you can remove them easily. Just make sure you wear them for at least 22 hours a day to achieve the best results possible.  Without the worry of metal wires and brackets fixed to your teeth, it is easy to practice good oral health with aligners. You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss or for even short periods during special social occasions.  When removing your aligners, make sure to properly place them in a safe container, as there are many reported instances wherein patients’ trays fall out of pockets and are thrown away when wrapped in a napkin. After comparing the benefits and cost of metal braces and invisible aligners, you now have an idea on the perfect teeth alignment procedure that suits your wants and needs.  Remember that the real cost of your teeth alignment procedure goes beyond the price tag. You have to consider whether your treatment of choice fits your profession, hobbies, and lifestyle. Removability, subtlety, and comfort make aligners a true investment into your appearance and confidence. Clear aligners can definitely fit into your daily routine seamlessly with more comfort and less visibility.  If you are ready to go for your smile goals, consult an ALINA smile designer to achieve your desired smile with confidence. ALINA aligners allow you to go about your life as usual without the feeling of drawing extra attention to your teeth during the treatment. Backed by the latest and cutting edge dental scanning technology and expert partner dentists, start your smile journey by booking a scan appointment with ALINA now. ALINA engineers the perfect smile for your facial features, facial symmetry, balance, shape of your jaw, and angle of your teeth. With ALINA, you don’t just straighten your teeth, you get the right smile that makes you more beautiful. 

Types of Dental Braces that Work for You

Everyone feels the same way about misaligned teeth – it sucks. Not only can it make you feel conscious about your appearance, but it can also cause you pain and discomfort in your jaw, teeth, and mouth. Luckily, proper teeth alignment is now made easier and achievable for you – thanks to different types of dental braces

For sure, many of us have already heard about dental braces. You may probably know someone who underwent or is currently in dental braces treatment

Braces are dental tools composed of small brackets that are connected through wires and placed on your teeth. Braces gently put pressure on your teeth to gradually move them into their desired and proper position. 

Braces are an effective device that fixes dental problems, correct jaw function, and improve your appearance. Dental problems that braces fix include:

  • Teeth crowding
  • Wide dental gaps
  • Various bite problems such as open bite, crossbite, underbite, and overbite

How Dental Braces Work?

Braces work by applying constant pressure to your teeth during the duration of your treatment. This pressure will slowly move your teeth into their proper and desired position. 

The bony socket under each of your teeth moves and adapts to its new position too because of the constant pressure being applied. 

Most people who have dental braces experience inflammation in their gums, right? 

This is our body’s immune response to heal wounds and injuries. This inflammation allows certain biochemical processes necessary for teeth moving and adjusting to take place. 

What are the types of dental braces?

Planning on getting dental braces? Lucky for you, numerous types of braces are available for you. 

Metal Braces

This is the traditional and most common type of braces. Usually made of stainless steel or titanium, metal braces use metal brackets that are connected through metal wires and fixed on your teeth. Rubber bands may be also included to create more pressure and move your teeth. 

Metal braces are cost-effective types of braces – the least expensive yet effective. However, metal braces are the most noticeable type of braces and can cause you pain and discomfort.

Ceramic Braces

Want a dental brace that is the same color as your natural teeth? Ceramic braces are the one for you. 

Ceramic braces are very similar to metal braces in terms of size, shapes, how they work, and duration of treatment. The only difference is that the brackets in this are ceramic-made that mimics the color of your teeth.

Ceramic braces are preferred by some over metal braces since these are less noticeable. However, they can be easily stained when neglected and can be changed only on your next dental visit.


Self-Ligating Braces

This is also very similar to metal braces; except that it uses metal brackets with built-in clips to hold the wire of the brace in place instead of the ligatures or colored elastic band. 

It moves and slowly adjusts your teeth on its own; thus fewer visits to your dentist. This is much easier to clean too. However, this is also expensive and noticeable like metal braces.


Lingual-type Braces

Now, if you want dental braces that are harder to see and notice, you may want to consider lingual-type braces. 

The brackets in lingual-type braces are attached to the back part of your teeth. They work the same as metal and ceramic braces. 

However, these are the most expensive type of braces which requires an orthodontist’s expertise. These are also difficult to clean, making you prone to dental plaque, and can cause discomfort on your tongue. 


Clear Aligner Braces

The four types of braces mentioned above are all fixed braces – meaning only your dentist can remove and adjust them. Most people experience a certain amount of pain and discomfort with fixed braces. 

Now there are removable braces that will give you much comfort and flexibility you need. These are clear aligner braces that are becoming a popular treatment option to fix various dental problems.

Clear aligners use a series of transparent custom-made trays that allow the movement of teeth to their desired position. These are made from plastic materials which are smoother and more comfortable in the mouth. 

Clear aligner braces are clear and almost invisible. You don’t need to worry about changes in your appearance. You can confidently and freely flash your smile. 

Also, they are removable. You can get your teeth straightened without having to worry about what food to eat. Cleaning your teeth will also be easier. You are less prone to plaque accumulation and gingivitis. 

Now when it comes to clear aligner braces, many dental clinics offer their service but only a few study your case, and the features of your face – ensuring that you get the smile that you deserve and unique only to you.

Meet ALINA Invisible Braces

ALINA Invisible Braces is one of the fastest-growing, trusted, and convenient providers of clear aligners here in the Philippines. 

With almost 30 years of experience in cosmetic dentistry, ALINA studies your facial features extensively and uses the latest dental scanning technology – making sure that your teeth are properly aligned and you have the one-of-a-kind perfect smile. 

Orthodontists at ALINA are experts and friendly too! Their focus is to make sure that you are confident flashing that beautiful smile of yours. 

ALINA will also give you the smile you deserve at your convenience. 3D scanning of your teeth can be done at your home. Your aligner trays will be shipped right to your door. 

To learn more, book an online consultation with ALINA. Just visit this link and get your perfect smile journey started.  You can also try our Smile Simulation and see what your ALINA smile could look like.


Do You Have To Wear Teeth Aligners Forever?

So, you’re getting teeth aligners. Congratulations! You’re now getting closer to bringing out that beautiful smile. 

But, is it true that you have to wear your dental aligners forever? How long does it take to complete the treatment? These are just some of the few questions we usually get during the initial consultation. 

In today’s blog post, let’s find out some of the factors that can affect the duration of your orthodontic treatment. Let’s also compare the most popular teeth straightening options available today. 

Hopefully, this article can help you understand this treatment process and help you make more informed decisions. 

Why do you need dental aligners or braces? 

Do you still take selfies with your lips closed? Are you getting conscious when smiling or talking to people because of crooked teeth? Do you experience pain or discomfort when biting or chewing food? If so, you should see a qualified dentist or an orthodontist. 

Dental aligners or braces can treat crooked or misaligned teeth. In addition to aesthetic factors, this orthodontic treatment can also help improve your overall oral health. Our trusted dental professionals at ALINA can help determine the perfect teeth alignment treatment for you. 

Here are some of the possible reasons you might need dental aligners or braces: 


This is one of the reasons our dentist may recommend getting teeth aligners. If there’s not enough roof in your mouth for all your teeth, then this could be a crowding issue. 

Left untreated, crowded teeth can lead to numerous oral health problems, such as gum disease, tooth damage, and chewing difficulties. 

Dental aligners can help solve this problem. Additionally, correcting crowded teeth can also help brighten your smile! 


Are you bothered by your irregularly shaped teeth that create wide gaps when you smile? There’s no need to worry! ALINA can help reclaim your smile. 

And if you think those gaps between your teeth are just cosmetic problems, think again. This can also lead to numerous dental problems like gum problems, cavities, tooth decay, and bad breath. 


If you experience your bottom teeth bite into the roof of your mouth or completely disappear when you bite, you might be dealing with a pronounced overbite. Left untreated, overbites can also cause numerous issues, including damage to your gums and front teeth. 

Our dental experts can improve your smile by fixing your overbite with the help of custom-fit aligner braces. 


If your lower teeth overlap your front teeth when you smile, you might be dealing with underbite problems. Depending on the severity of the underbite, complications can range from mild to severe, which can also take a toll on your health and wellness. 

In some cases, an underbite can cause chronic jaw pain, headaches, toothaches, dizziness, and even hearing problems. If your underbite is due to misaligned teeth, dental aligners or braces can help correct this problem.

Open bite 

If you notice a gap between your upper and lower teeth, then you might be dealing with an open bite problem. People dealing with this bite problem often experience eating and speech difficulties. 

How long do you need to wear your aligners? 

If you have removable clear aligners or dental aligners, you should wear them for at least 22 hours every day to achieve desired results. 

You can only remove them when you need to eat, brush or floss your teeth. You should also avoid wearing your aligners when drinking dark beverages like coffee or soda. 

On average, it may take 6 to 12 months or even more to complete the treatment, depending on the severity of the condition. 

Common teeth alignment issues and duration of the treatment

Dental aligners are not one-size-fits-all solutions. The treatment plan and its duration depend from one case to another. Here are common alignment issues that removable aligners can treat:

Dental aligners to close gaps

Aligners can close small or minor gaps in 6 to 7 weeks. However, keep in mind that your dentist may also require wearing retainers after completing your aligners to achieve decent results.  

Dental aligners for crowded teeth 

For mild cases of crowded teeth, you may need to wear aligners for 6 months. For severe cases of crowding, your dentist may recommend using headgear or removing some teeth. 

Dental aligners for misaligned teeth 

Correcting misaligned teeth is one of the reasons your dentist may require you to wear aligners. On average, fixing misaligned teeth with dental aligners may take 1 to 2 years, depending on the severity of your condition. 

Clear aligners vs braces 

To help you make more informed decisions, here’s a brief comparison of clear aligners vs traditional braces:

Advantages of clear aligners 

Aesthetic factor:

Clear aligners or invisible braces are less noticeable than traditional or metal braces. 

No food restrictions:

Since clear aligners are removable, there will be no food restrictions. Just make sure to remove your aligners before eating. So, yes! You can get back that beautiful smile and still eat your favorite food! 


Again, since clear aligners are removable, brushing or flossing your teeth is much easier! 


Thanks to advanced technological advancements, you can expect fewer dental visits. At ALINA, the process is simple and convenient. After your consultation, our scanning team will go to your place to take your dental impressions. 

From there, our highly skilled dental technicians can now design and construct your aligners. Once done, we can now deliver your aligners to your doorstep. Since your teeth slowly adjust, expect to get a new set of aligners every month until you complete the treatment. 


Many patients also say that clear aligners are also more comfortable than metal braces. Metal wirings and brackets fixed to your teeth can cause irritation in your mouth.

On the other hand, clear aligners are made of polyurethane resin plastic, which makes this option more comfortable. And since clear aligners are removable, you are more likely less prone to injuries when engaging in physical activities or contact sports. 

Advantages of metal braces 

  • Applicable to all cases: Clear aligners can only work in mild to moderate cases. On the other hand, metal braces can also treat some severe cases of misaligned and crooked teeth. 
  • Compliance: Since they are fixed to your teeth, there’s no reason to forget to wear them or lose them. 
  • Cost: Metal braces are usually more affordable than other types of dental aligners.

Disadvantages of metal braces

  • Hygiene: Performing oral hygiene can be challenging as metal braces are fixed to your teeth. 
  • Diet: With metal trays attached to your teeth, you may need to adjust your diet. Hard food can get stuck to those metal trays and wirings, which can cause damage and affect the treatment progress. 
  • Comfort: Generally, metal braces are more likely to cause discomfort than removable aligners. Having metal wires attached to your teeth also makes you more prone to injuries, especially when you play sports. 
  • Appearance: Some patients get self-conscious about having metal brackets fixed to their teeth. They are quite noticeable since they are made up of metal wiring and brackets. 
  • Appointments: Metal braces require more appointments as the dentist needs to adjust the brackets and wirings when your teeth move or shift. 

Are you ready for the perfect teeth alignment? ALINA has you covered. We have a dynamic team of dental experts who are well-versed in designing invisible aligners that don’t only straighten your teeth, but also make you more beautiful. 

ALINA Aligners utilize the latest in 3-D scanning and printing with AI technology to create that perfect smile that complements your facial features. With ALINA, you can be assured you’re on track for a smile that attracts. 
Click here to book a virtual consult with us and begin your ALINA journey today.


Are teeth aligners better than braces?

Your dentist may have probably already discussed braces and teeth aligners with you as treatment options for fixing your misaligned teeth. 

And as you learned about the advantages of teeth aligners and began to consider them as the best treatment for you, you may have asked yourself, are teeth aligners better than braces? Which one will give the perfect smile you deserve faster and less hassle?

Let’s find out!

But first, what are teeth aligners? 

These days, getting your misaligned teeth straight can be done without the traditional braces or undergoing invasive procedures. 

Teeth aligners, also known as clear aligners or invisible braces, are becoming a popular alternative to metal braces thanks to the comfort and convenience it gives compared to traditional braces. 

Teeth aligners use a series of 3D-printed transparent custom-made aligners that allow the movement of teeth to their desired position. It can fix mild to moderate dental problems including:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Crossbite 
  • Underbite
  • Wide space gaps 

Your series of teeth aligner trays are not a copy of your current teeth position but their future position. It gradually moves and guides them into different positions until the desired result is achieved. 

You have to wear your teeth aligners no less than 22 hours per day for it t. Your aligner trays are changed and updated every 2 weeks or so. 

Are teeth aligners better than braces?

Although it would still depend on the complexity and severity of your dental problems, teeth aligners provide plenty of benefits that make them more preferable than traditional braces such as metal and ceramic braces. 

Teeth aligners give you more comfort and flexibility. 

Pain and discomfort in the tongue and mouth are a very common concern among those who wear metal and ceramic braces. 

Why? These traditional braces are fixed on your mouth and made of wires and brackets that might get loose and broken, poke your cheeks and tongues, and cause wounds. 

But with teeth aligners, you don’t need to worry about this. 

Orthodontic patients who underwent teeth aligners treatment appear to feel lower levels of pain than those who wore fixed braces. 

For the most part, teeth aligners will give you a more comfortable treatment experience because your aligner trays are made of plastics that are smoother and lighter than the materials used with metal and ceramic braces. 

And in case you’ll feel pain and discomfort, expect it to be mild and won’t interfere with your daily routine. It will be nothing compared to the pain that traditional braces will give you. 

Aside from comfort, teeth aligners will give you the flexibility you need, unlike traditional braces!

Your aligner trays are entirely and easily removable compared to metal and ceramic braces that are fixed and only your dentist can adjust and remove. 

Those wearing traditional braces have to limit their diet and avoid certain foods that may get stuck in their brackets and damage their braces. With clear aligners, you can remove them anytime and not have to think twice about what to eat.

Teeth aligners treatment is effective and somehow faster. 

Want to immediately fix your misaligned teeth? Teeth aligners can do that for you. 

Going with teeth aligners treatment can be worth it because it effectively straightens your teeth and fixes other mild to moderate dental problems in a much shorter time compared to metal and ceramic braces. 

You’ll wear each of your aligner trays for three weeks or so. Each tray gently pushes your teeth to the right position. 

Teeth aligners treatment typically takes about 6 to 12 months (depending on the case) which is faster compared to metal and ceramic braces which usually last 1-3 years.

You need to wear your aligner trays no less than 22 hours per day for them to be effective. 

And also, keep in mind that severe and complex cases might be better addressed by fixed braces. 

Teeth aligners give you a better appearance

Let’s admit it, metal and ceramic braces have wires and brackets that can be easily noticed and distracting sometimes, making you feel anxious or attract unwanted attention. 

Teeth aligners offer treatment in achieving straighter teeth that are not only effective and comfortable but also allow you to maintain a less distracting appearance. 

Teeth aligners are clear and almost invisible. Unlike braces that are fixed on you, you can remove your aligners should you need to.  

However, keep in mind that failure to wear your aligner trays for a few hours in a row may result in huge setbacks and delays in your progress. 

Teeth aligners provide you with better oral hygiene

A properly aligned set of teeth would be irrelevant if you have poor oral health and hygiene. Proper oral hygiene is better maintained with teeth aligners compared to metal and ceramic braces.

Since metal and ceramic braces are fixed on your mouth, cleaning your teeth (brushing, flossing, etc) is much more challenging and requires extra time and effort. 

With teeth aligners, brushing and flossing your teeth will remain the same as normal because your aligner trays are removable. You can also clean your aligner trays thoroughly too. 

This makes teeth aligners better with metal and ceramic braces. With teeth aligners, the chances of you accumulating dental plaque on your teeth and developing gingivitis are low compared to wearing metal and ceramic braces. 

Teeth aligners have made fixing some dental problems much easier and more comfortable. 

And in getting teeth aligners, it is important to talk to professionals who can bring out the beautiful smile that’s unique only to you.

Meet ALINA Invisible Braces. 

Compared to other aligners, ALINA studies the symmetry of your face, the shape of your jaw, and the angle of your teeth – ensuring that your smile is designed to complement your facial features.

ALINA will give you your beautiful smile at your convenience.

Taking the 3-D image of your teeth? We will come to you for your scan. Your ALINA Invisible Braces will be shipped right to your door within 7 days. 

Visit this link and get your perfect smile journey started. You can also try our Smile Simulation and see what your ALINA smile could look like.


Why Clear Aligners Fail In Straightening Your Teeth And How To Avoid It

Your main goal as an orthodontic patient is to achieve the best and correct teeth alignment after your treatment.  After all, fixing misaligned teeth takes a great amount of your time, money, and effort. 

Aside from the traditional braces, there are now other dental braces options and procedures that fix misaligned teeth but are less invasive and easier, comfortable, and patient-friendly. One of these is clear aligners. 

Clear aligners and their Benefits

Clear aligners are one of the alternative options for metal braces which are now becoming more popular thanks to various advantages they can give to your whole teeth alignment journey. 

With clear aligners, you will be given a series of custom-made trays which will gently and slowly move your teeth to their desired proper position. Clear aligners are recommended for correcting various mild to complex dental problems such as crooked teeth, bite problems, and wide dental gaps. 

Your aligner trays are made from smooth and light plastic materials which are comfortable on your mouth, unlike metal braces that are fixed on your teeth and may cause pain and discomfort. 

Another good thing about clear aligners is that they can be removed easily and entirely! It can give you the comfort and flexibility you need to do the following:

Maintain good and proper oral hygiene.

You can brush and floss your teeth regularly and normally. No need to exert extra time and effort unlike when you have metal braces. Ideal whenever you’re in a hurry and if you are already tired at night and want to go to bed immediately. 

Eat and drink (almost) everything.

You don’t have to modify your diet and avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods when you have clear aligners. No need to worry about foods that may get stuck between your teeth and brackets and damage your metal braces. 

Flash your smile more confidently.

Let’s admit it, one of the reasons why you are hesitant in getting metal braces is because they can be distracting and even unappealing. It certainly affects your overall confidence. 

Well, you can definitely consider clear aligners as they are almost invisible – making your entire treatment procedure less noticeable. 

However, despite its many advantages, clear aligners may fail to straighten your teeth after your treatment duration. 

Complications may arise that may impede or negatively disrupt your progress. Considering your teeth and smile are one of your features that people notice immediately, the last thing you want to do is mess it up. 

Find out what may cause your clear aligners to fail in straightening your teeth and how to avoid them. 

Your clear aligners are not properly fitted.

Your clear aligners may fail to fix your alignment problem because they are not properly fitted to you. You may notice visible gaps and air bubbles between your teeth and the aligner tray. Another instance is one of the dental arches may fit seamlessly but the other one does not. 

Fortunately, this won’t be the case with ALINA. ALINA aligners use the latest 3-D technology and AI to ensure a snug fit and a smile that complements your facial features.

Not wearing it at least 22 hours a day and other compliance issues. 

It is important to wear your aligners trays no less than 22 hours per day for it to be effective. 

Your teeth have a strong tendency to move back to their previous positions. Although one of its advantages is that it is removable,  keep in mind that your trays won’t be able to successfully give the desired outcome on time if you will wear them for less than the recommended 22 hours per day. 

When it comes to dental hygiene, you should frequently and properly clean not just your teeth but also your aligner trays too. 

Also, avoid eating, drinking, and smoking while wearing your aligner trays. Doing these things may discolor your aligners, making them gross and unwearable. 

Losing and breaking an aligner tray will also impede your treatment progress. 

Your case is not for clear aligners. 

Although clear aligners provide an effective, fast, and much more comfortable dental treatment experience compared to other options, there are some extremely complex cases that may need a more traditional approach. 

Severe and complex dental problems and too-rotated teeth are better addressed by traditional braces. 

On the other hand, changes in your case during your treatment that your orthodontist may have not anticipated during the planning of your clear aligner treatment might happen. 

So it is important to always check in with your orthodontist during your routine appointments so that s/he can revisit and revise your treatment plan. 

Your orthodontist fails to give you the appropriate and best care you deserve. 

Communication between a patient and an orthodontist is essential for every dental treatment journey to be successful. 

After expressing the complications mentioned above that you might encounter and your orthodontist continuously fails to provide you with accurate aligner trays that fit and make necessary adjustments, it’s probably time to look for another orthodontist. 

In the Philippines, ALINA Aligners is becoming a known and reputable provider of clear aligners that will give you the correct and best teeth alignment treatment. 

With almost 30 years of experience in cosmetic dentistry, ALINA studies your facial features extensively and uses the latest dental scanning technology – making sure that your teeth are properly aligned and you have the one-of-a-kind perfect smile. 

Orthodontists at ALINA are experts and friendly too! Their focus is to make sure that you are confident flashing that beautiful smile of yours. 

ALINA will also give you the smile you deserve at your convenience. 3D scanning of your teeth can be done at your home. Your aligner trays will be shipped right to your door. 

Visit this link and get your perfect smile journey started. You can also try our Smile Simulation and see what your ALINA smile could look like.


Are Clear Aligners for Everyone?

Many teeth alignment braces are now available in fixing the misaligned teeth that bother you. One of them is clear aligners treatment, which is becoming a popular alternative to traditional braces due to the many benefits it gives. 

However, have you ever wondered if clear aligners treatment is for everyone? Continue reading to find out. 

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners use a series of transparent custom-made plastic aligners that allow the movement of your teeth to their perfect desired position. It corrects various mild to moderate dental and bite problems such as crowded teeth, overbite, crooked teeth, and wide space gaps. 

Clear aligners straighten misaligned teeth without the hassle and discomfort of wearing traditional braces or undergoing invasive dental procedures. 

Benefits of clear aligners

You may have already heard or read about the many benefits clear aligners give in one’s journey to straighter teeth. And it’s true, dental treatment with clear aligners is much easier, more comfortable, and more flexible compared with traditional braces. 

1. Comfort and flexibility. Of course, you want to be in the best comfort while getting your teeth aligned. Clear aligners are definitely the one for you. 

Clear aligners are more comfortable because they are made of plastic that is smoother and lighter. No heavy and rough brackets and wires, unlike metal braces which are uncomfortable and might cause canker sores and wounds in your mouth. 

It will also offer you the flexibility you need. Clear aligners are not fixed on your teeth and mouth and can be easily removed whenever you eat, drink, or clean your teeth. 

2. Faster. Afraid of the long treatment duration of metal braces? Clear aligners can give you an immediate fix to your misaligned teeth. Clear aligner treatment duration is much shorter compared to traditional braces. 

3. Better Appearance. Anxious about the distracting and unappealing brackets and wires from metal braces? 

Luckily, clear aligners are almost invisible and less noticeable. So you can now go on dates and social gatherings and flash your beautiful smile without hesitation!

4. Better Oral Hygiene. Aligning your teeth would be in vain if you have poor oral health and hygiene.  

With clear aligners treatment, oral hygiene is much better and achievable as compared with traditional braces treatment. Why? Cleaning your teeth (brushing and flossing) is much easier because your aligner trays can be removed. 

With regular and proper brushing and flossing, you will not accumulate dental plaque, or have gingivitis and other gum diseases while using clear aligners. 

How do clear aligners straighten your teeth? 

Wondering how exactly clear aligners are straightening your teeth? Well, just like traditional teeth braces, clear aligners work by applying pressure to your teeth which gradually and carefully move them into a new desired position. 

However, fixing your misaligned teeth with clear aligners is much easier and more convenient. It usually follows these easy steps:

1. Scanning of your teeth. To better assess your dental problem, your orthodontist will first do a 3D scanning of your teeth. After this, your aligner trays will be fabricated using a 3D printer. 

2. Wearing of aligner trays. You will wear multiple sets of aligner trays which will move your teeth a couple of millimeters. Keep in mind that these are a model of the future position of your teeth, not the current.

3. Feeling pressure and inflammation. As you wear your aligner trays, pressure will be applied to your teeth in order to move them. Inflammation in your gums is expected as your teeth move gradually. 

But relax, this inflammation is necessary as it will allow biochemical processes in your dental bones, which are essential to your treatment, to take place. 

How long should you wear your clear aligners? 

Ideally, you have to wear each of your aligner trays for a week or two. And in order for it to be effective, you should wear your aligner trays no less than 22 hours per day. 

Clear aligners are removable, making eating and cleaning your teeth easier and more comfortable. 

However, you will not successfully get the desired outcome you are expecting from clear aligners if you fail to wear them for 22 hours a day. Keep in mind that our teeth have a strong tendency to move back to their previous position. With clear aligners, consistency is significant. 

Clear aligner treatment lasts usually about 6 to 12 months (depending on the case). 

Who Can’t Wear Clear Aligners?

Despite its many benefits when it comes to fixing misaligned teeth, there are some cases and situations that may make your orthodontist decide to go with other dental treatments instead of clear aligners. This includes the following:

  • Severe overbite and dental problems. Traditional braces such as metal braces may be the most efficient and appropriate treatment to address severe and complex dental problems such as severe overbite and large dental gaps. 
  • Tooth shape. Too-short or pegged teeth can prevent clear aligners from working properly. 
  • Tooth position. Clear aligners cannot shift too-rotated teeth in proper alignment. 
  • Smokers. Patients who smoke and are not willing to stop during treatment should not decide to go with clear aligners as smoking may cause discoloration of aligner trays. 
  • Children. Clear aligners are best for adults or teens. Fixing dental problems among children is more complicated. Their mouths are still growing and developing. Also, they are too young to follow the steps needed in taking care of clear aligner trays. 
  • Not willing to wear aligners for 22 hours a day. Clear aligners treatment requires consistency and dedication. Aligner trays need to be worn at least 22 hours per day for them to be effective. 

Your orthodontist will have a better opinion on whether or not you should get clear aligners in fixing your misaligned teeth. 

In the Philippines, ALINA Invisible Braces is one of the fastest-growing, trusted, and most convenient providers of clear aligners. Looking for a smile that complements your facial features and is uniquely designed for you? ALINA can give you that!

ALINA corrects your dental issues while considering your facial symmetry, balance, the shape of your jaw, and the angle of your teeth. 
To learn more, book an online consultation with ALINA and get your perfect smile journey started.